One of the cool things that we’ve been able to do is climb
Mount Soche, the tallest of three peaks surrounding Blantyre. We stare at it from the windows in the back
of the house and it’s really a pretty mountain. Standing at 5,000 feet, it definitely seemed
a worthy climb attempt.
We asked Blessings to guide us (Liam, Micah and me) and he
led us through the maze of homes comprising a township built up the slopes at
Soche’s base. We definitely drew a
crowd! Once we got to the trail, it was
straight up. We lost the trail and had
to do our best negotiating our way to the summit. We made it and Liam and Micah did really
well. Only a few complaints from Micah,
but totally understandable. (= The view
was completely worth it.
The view from the top. Not too shabby!
The view of Mount Soche from our back yard. The remaining thin row of trees along the ridge indicate the massive illegal logging that has taken place over the years. Old timers say the mountain used to be covered with trees and it is technically a forest reserve. But people are desperate for fuel and that is what is needed in the "now". But then, of course, soil erosion and flooding are much more likely (see: the last few weeks). Short-term solutions are frequently at odds with the long-term health of this country.
On a separate note: The girls are happy! The chickens have been producing anywhere between 6-8 eggs a day. Even though we created 8 separate nesting boxes, they all tend to lay in the same box. It has been fun to give eggs away to folks.