Sunday, January 18, 2015

(Bill) You have to laugh sometimes.....

In my quest to keep you current with some of the funny signage we see here, I include a few.  Usually, when we see funny signs, I either don't have my camera or can't slow down to snap a pic.  But for future posts, I'm really going to try hard and capture Elizabeth's favorite,  "Motorcycle Parts and Stationary" along with mine, "Decent Barber".  

What "Edelicious Fast Foods" says to me is, "We have food that's not only delicious, but edible.  And fast!"

OK, I confess my immaturity.  The boys and I chuckle a bit whenever we see the PUPU driving school cars about town.

Like the "Decent Barber" storefront, I appreciate the honesty of our power utilities's marketing slogan.  Right off, it's a confession:  "towards"--we're not there yet!  And not only are we shooting for power everyday, but when you get that everyday kind of power, we're really hoping that it will make more than just a flirtatious pass but actually stick around for more than say, 10 minutes?  Yes sir, as in ALL day!  But just remember, "toward".  Not there yet!!!!!!!  Yes, I'm a bit crazy.  

Blantyre is a bit of an adventure these days.  The rains have lessened considerably, and that's good! We're very thankful for that and it is a bit of a reprieve for the thousands of displaced folks from the storms earlier this week.

 But now, electricity is tremendously spotty (towards power, right?) as we've had outages everyday and most of the last two days.  The water is the big issue, though.  We haven't had running water in a week and now we feel somewhat more like true Malawians.  We've had friends talk about being out of water for weeks and even months (!) at a time, but the worst we've had so far has been three days.  Now, I feel, we're joining the ranks of the truly inconvenienced.  I won't say "suffering" because we still have a roof over our heads and we've figure out how to harvest our rain water (Liam says it has a bit a tangy finish).  As we drive about town, though, we see so many people carrying their buckets and tubs walking who knows how far to get water.  Despite the crazy-making conditions, still feeling grateful for all that we have.    



  1. The signs and your commentary on them made me laugh. Glad you have your sense of humor in the midst of power outages and water not running. What happens when you run out of water from your rain barrel collection? Do stores sell water or are there wells where you'd get your water from?

    1. Hi Heather,
      Well, we're about to find out! (= There hasn't been rain in the last two days and we're running low on the rain water we've collected. But we will never truly suffer as most people do. We have a car (ding!) to drive to friends' houses who have pools (ding!) to return to our intact home (ding!) where we have electricity intermittently (ding!). Most people in this country cannot count any dings for themselves. Stores have been out of bottled water for a while, but some people do have wells. But no doubt, this is difficult.
